# The 1-liner
Add-Computer -DomainName 'somedomain.com' -credential kimconnect.com\domainadmin1 -ComputerName $env:computernname -newname 'NewName' -restart
# Quick Snippet
$credential=New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $adminUser,$(ConvertTo-securestring $adminPass -AsPlainText -Force)
function addComputerToDomain($domainName,$joinName,$adminCred){
Add-Computer -DomainName $domain -ComputerName $env:computernname -newname $joinName -Credential $adminCred -restart
addComputerToDomain $domain $joinName $credential
# Troubleshooting:
# Problem
#add-computer : Computer 'WIN-F61FJS6DTM3' was successfully joined to the new domain 'kimconnect.net',
#but renaming it to 'TEST-BOX' failed with the following error message : The directory service is busy.
# Solution:
# Change computername:
Rename-Computer -NewName 'NEW-BOX' -Restart
If I enter -DomainName after Add-Computer I get the error – A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts the argument “-”
If I enter – DomainName after Add-Computer, I get the error – A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts the argument “DomainName”
If I enter DomainName after Add-Computer, I get the error – A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts the argument
In the first option, I put no space between the hyphen and ‘DomainName’
In the second option I put a space between the hyphen and ‘DomainName’
In the third option I don’t use a hyphen at all
What am I doing wrong?
A space is required between each ‘arguments’ of a cmdlet. that represents FQDN of your domain name representing the FQDN
-DomainName must be followed by a valid
the switch -DomainName must be specified before inputting the actual