A user has complained that many of the default Windows applications such as the below are missing:
$GoodApps = "store|calculator|sticky||soundrecorder|mspaint|screensketch|cortana|connect|Alarms & Clock|Mail|Maps|Messaging|Edge|Remote.Desktop|Skype|Video.Editor"
First thing to try: restore apps from the App Store
Get-AppxPackage -allusers|%{Add-AppxPackage -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml" -DisableDevelopmentMode}
Second try: registry fix
scanreg /fix
scanreg /restore
Third try: restore computer
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-ComputerRestorePoint
CreationTime Description SequenceNumber EventType RestorePointType
------------ ----------- -------------- --------- ----------------
11/5/2020 9:57:22 PM Windows Update 1 BEGIN_SYSTEM_C... 17
11/11/2020 10:17:10 AM Windows Update 2 BEGIN_SYSTEM_C... 17
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Restore-Computer -RestorePoint 1