PowerShell version 7 or later may already have facilities to store and retrieve credentials without special scripting. As there are plenty of systems ‘in the wild’ without this special apparatus. Perhaps, snippets below would be useful to deal with this type of information.

# Method 1: saving credentials as an XML file


function confirmation($content,$testValue="I confirm",$maxAttempts=3){
    write-host "Please review this content for accuracy.`r`n"
    while ($attempts -le $maxAttempts){
        if($attempts++ -ge $maxAttempts){
            write-host "A maximum number of attempts have reached. No confirmations received!`r`n"
        $userInput = Read-Host -Prompt "Please type in this value => $testValue <= to confirm";
        if ($userInput.ToLower() -ne $testValue.ToLower()){
            write-host "Attempt number $attempts of $maxAttempts`: $userInput does not match $testValue. Try again..`r`n"
                write-host "Confirmed!`r`n";
    return $confirmed;

function validateCredential($cred){
    # Initialize variables
    $authenticated = $domainRoot = $username = $password = $null

    # Checkpoint
    If($cred -eq $null){
        write-warning "No credentials detected."
        return $false

    # Perform validation
        # Obtain username and password
        $username = $cred.username
        $password = $cred.GetNetworkCredential().password
        # Get Domain
        if ($domainDistinguishedName -eq $null){
            write-warning "Unable to contact domain controller(s)."
            return $false
        $domainRoot = "LDAP://" + $domainDistinguishedName        
        $authenticated = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry($domainRoot,$username,$password)
        Write-Warning "Unable to bind given credential to the domain"
        return $false        
    If ($authenticated.name -ne $null){
        Write-Host "Authentication successful"
        return $true
        Write-Warning "Unable to authenticate"
        return $false


function saveCredentialToXml($path,$credential){    
    $validCredential=validateCredential $credential
    if ($validCredential){
        If (!$fileExists){
            # Create folder if it doesn't exist
            if(!(Test-Path -Path $credentialsFolder)){New-Item -path $credentialsFolder -type directory;}       
            $credential | Export-Clixml $credentialFile;
            write-host "$credentialFile has been saved for user $userId."
            return $True
                write-host "$credentialFile already exists. Do you want to over-write it?"
                $userConfirm=confirmation "Overwrite $credentialFile?"
                if ($userConfirm){
                    Remove-Item $credentialFile -Force
                    $credential | Export-Clixml $credentialFile;
                    write-host "$credentialFile has been overwritten for user $userId."
                    return $true
                    write-host "No credential files were changed."
                    return $false
        write-warning "Invalid credential."
        return $false

function getCredentialfromXML($file){
    $fileContent=get-content $file  
    if ($fileContent){      
        # Import stored XML credential
        $xmlCred=Import-clixml $file
        if ($xmlCred){
            $runasPassword=ConvertTo-securestring $xmlCred.GetNetworkCredential().password -AsPlainText -Force
            $runasCred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $runasUser,$runasPassword
            if (validateCredential $runasCred){
                return $runasCred
            # Start-Process powershell.exe -Credential $runasCred -NoNewWindow -ArgumentList "Start-Process powershell.exe -Verb runAs $PSCommandPath"
            if(saveCredentialToXml $path $newCred){
                return $newCred
        "$file NOT found...`n";
        return $false

$credFromXml=getCredentialfromXML $xmlCredFile

# $psCommands='ping google.com'
# Start-Process powershell.exe -Credential $credFromXml -NoNewWindow -ArgumentList "Start-Process powershell.exe -Verb runAs $psCommands"

# Method 2: saving credentials as an encrypted password file

# Save password as an encrypted file
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path c:\scripts
$credential = Get-Credential
#$encryptedPassword=ConvertTo-SecureString $credential.GetNetworkCredential().password -AsPlainText -Force
$credentialObject=New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property (@{username=$($credential.username);encryptedPassword=$encryptedPassword})
$credentialObject|export-csv -notypeinformation $credentialFile

# Retrieve password from encrypted credential file
$encryptedCredential=Import-Csv $credentialFile
$securedPassword = $encryptedCredential.encryptedPassword|ConvertTo-SecureString
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($userName, $securedPassword)

# Method 3: saving credentials as an environmental variable localized to certain logon sessions

function confirmation($content,$testValue="I confirm",$maxAttempts=3){
    write-host "Please review this content for accuracy.`r`n"
    while ($attempts -le $maxAttempts){
        if($attempts++ -ge $maxAttempts){
            write-host "A maximum number of attempts have reached. No confirmations received!`r`n"
        $userInput = Read-Host -Prompt "Please type in this value => $testValue <= to confirm";
        if ($userInput.ToLower() -ne $testValue.ToLower()){
            write-host "Attempt number $attempts of $maxAttempts`: $userInput does not match $testValue. Try again..`r`n"
                write-host "Confirmed!`r`n";
    return $confirmed;

function validateCredential($cred){
    # Initialize variables
    $authenticated = $domainRoot = $username = $password = $null

    # Checkpoint
    If($cred -eq $null){
        write-warning "No credentials detected."
        return $false

    # Perform validation
        # Obtain username and password
        $username = $cred.username
        $password = $cred.GetNetworkCredential().password
        # Get Domain
        if ($domainDistinguishedName -eq $null){
            write-warning "Unable to contact domain controller(s)."
            return $false
        $domainRoot = "LDAP://" + $domainDistinguishedName        
        $authenticated = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry($domainRoot,$username,$password)
        Write-Warning "Unable to bind given credential to the domain"
        return $false        
    If ($authenticated.name -ne $null){
        Write-Host "Authentication successful"
        return $true
        Write-Warning "Unable to authenticate"
        return $false


function getCredFromEnv{
    # Load username and password from environmental variables
    if (Test-Path env:ServiceAccount) {
      $serviceAccount = $env:ServiceAccount
        return $false
        Write-Warning 'Unable to retrieve `$env:ServiceAccount'
    if (Test-Path env:ServiceAccountPassword) {
      $serviceAccountPassword = $env:ServiceAccountPassword
        return $false
        Write-Warning 'Unable to retrieve `$env:ServiceAccountPassword'
    # This assumes the password was stored as as hash
    $securedPassword = $serviceAccountPassword|ConvertTo-SecureString
    $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($serviceAccount, $securedPassword)

    if (validateCredential $credential){
        write-host 'Valid credentials retrieved from Environment. Program now proceeds...'
        return $credential
        $credential = Get-Credential        
        if (validateCredential $credential){
            $saveToEnv=confirmation -content 'I want to save the $username account as an Environmental variable.'
            if ($saveToEnv){
                $env:ServiceAccount = $username
                $env:ServiceAccountPassword = $encryptedPassword
                    write-host 'No confirmations received to save this credential.'
            return $credential
                write-warning 'Invalid credential.'
                return $false
