version 0.2
Current Features:
1. Check for any errors on the Sources or Destinations and generate a report of any extra spaces in UNC
2. Scan for any open files from the source directory recursively and generate a report of any locked files during the copying operations
3. Execute robocopy to mirror each source to its corresponding destination with a time stamp variance allowance of 2 seconds for speed and resiliency
Features under development:
4. Turn on Volume Shadow Copy (VSS) at source
5. Remote into each source machine to perform file copying operations
6. Copy from VSS snapshots rather than from live systems to capture locked files
1. Execute in the context of a Domain Administrator
2. Run this script on the source server to eliminate extra hops
"C:\Users\kim\Desktop\test\test1 C:\Users\kim\Desktop\test\test2",
"C:\Users\kim\Desktop\test\test2 C:\Users\kim\Desktop\test\test3"
#$switches="/MIR /SEC /Z /R:0 /W:0 /XO /XJD /XJF /FFT /MT:32 /TBD /V /NP /NDL /NJS /NS /NC "
$switches="/MIR /SEC /R:0 /W:0 /XO /XJD /XJF /FFT /MT:32 /TBD /NP "
$dateStamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd-hhmmss"
$scriptPath=Split-Path -Path $scriptName
function validateDirectory($dirToValidate){
if(Test-Path -Path $dirToValidate){return $True}
else{return $False;}
function createDirectory($dir){
# Create folder if it doesn't exist
if(!(validateDirectory $dir)){
New-Item -path $dir -type directory
function createFiles{
createDirectory $testPath
# Generate dummy files
for ($i=0; $i -lt 100; $i++){
fsutil file createnew "$testPath\$i.txt" 2000
function simulateLockedFile ($lockit){
# Simulate error by creating file in current directory with some contents; then, open file in locking mode
createDirectory $testDir;
createDirectory $logPath;
Add-Content ($testLockFile) "locky here!"
"Simulating a locking of $lockit ..."
$GLOBAL:lockedFile=[System.IO.File]::Open(($lockit), 'Open', 'Read', 'None')
# Try Robocopying
isFileLocked $testDir
#invoke-expression "robocopy $testDir\ '$testDir\test' $switches";
"Error: $_"
Add-Content $lockedFilesLog "$_";
function isFileLocked ($file) {
Process {
If ([System.IO.File]::Exists($file)) {
Try {
$FileStream = [System.IO.File]::Open($file,'Open','Write')
$IsLocked = $False
} Catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] {
$IsLocked = 'AccessDenied'
} Catch {
$IsLocked = $True
return $IsLocked
function reportLockedFiles($unc){
$files=Get-ChildItem -Path $unc -Recurse | where { ! $_.PSIsContainer }| % {$_.FullName}
#simulateLockedFile "$x"
$lockedFiles=$files | % { if(isFileLocked $_){$_; } }
if ($lockedFiles){
createDirectory $logPath;
Add-Content $lockedFilesReport $lockedFiles;
function logPathError($pathError){
Add-Content $pathErrorsLog "$pathError";
function validateSourceAndDestination($block){
$spacesCount=($block.Split(' ')).Count-1
if ($spacesCount -eq 1){
$GLOBAL:source,$GLOBAL:destination=$block.split(' ');
$sourceTest=validateDirectory $source
$destinationTest=validateDirectory $destination
if ($sourceTest -and $destinationTest){
return $True;
else {
if (!($sourceTest)){
logPathError "Source: $source";
return $False;
if (!($destinationTest)){
$createDestinationPath=(Read-Host -Prompt "Destination: $destination does not exist.`nType 'y' or 'yes' to create.");
if ($createDestinationPath -like 'yes' -or $createDestinationPath -like 'y'){
createDirectory $destination;
return $True;
logPathError "Destination: $destination";
return $False
return $False;
else {
logPathError $block;
return $False;
function displayTime($t){
if ($t -lt 86400){
if ($dotsCount -eq 1){}
function startRobocopy{
Add-Content $logFile "`n------------------------------Job Started: $dateStamp------------------------------";
foreach ($item in $sourcesAndDestinations){
$stopWatch= [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
if (validateSourceAndDestination $item){
invoke-expression "robocopy $item $switches $log";
#invoke-expression "robocopy $item $switches $log | Out-Null";
# Record any errors into log and continue to next item
"Checking locked files in $source..."
reportLockedFiles $source
Add-Content $logFile "Block Time Elapsed: $elapsedDisplay";
$timeDisplay = ([timespan]::fromseconds($totalTime)).ToString()
#$timeDisplay = $timeString.substring(0, $timeString.lastIndexOf("."));
Add-Content $logFile "`n------------------------------Total Time Elapsed: $timeDisplay------------------------------";
"Process completed.";
Version 0.11
"C:\Users\Kim\Desktop\test\test1 C:\Users\Kim\Desktop\test\test2",
"C:\Users\Kim\Desktop\test\test2 C:\Users\Kim\Desktop\test\test3"
$switchesMirrorDirectories="/MIR /SEC /B /R:1 /W:2 /XO /FFT /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS "
$dateStamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm"
$scriptPath=Split-Path -Path $scriptName
function validateDirectory($dirToValidate){
if(Test-Path -Path $dirToValidate){return $True}
else{return $False;}
function createDirectory($dir){
# Create folder if it doesn't exist
if(!(validateDirectory $dir)){
New-Item -path $dir -type directory
function createFiles{
createDirectory $testPath
# Generate dummy files
for ($i=0; $i -lt 100; $i++){
fsutil file createnew "$testPath\$i.txt" 2000
function logPathError($pathError){
Add-Content $pathErrorsLog "$pathError";
function validateSourceAndDestination($block){
$spacesCount=($block.Split(' ')).Count-1
if ($spacesCount -eq 1){
$source,$destination=$block.split(' ');
$sourceTest=validateDirectory $source
$destinationTest=validateDirectory $destination
if ($sourceTest -and $destinationTest){
return $True;
else {
if (!($sourceTest)){
logPathError "Source: $source";
return $False;
if (!($destinationTest)){
$createDestinationPath=(Read-Host -Prompt "Destination: $destination does not exist.`nType 'y' or 'yes' to create.");
if ($createDestinationPath -like 'yes' -or $createDestinationPath -like 'y'){
createDirectory $destination;
return $True;
logPathError "Destination: $destination";
return $False
return $False;
else {
logPathError $block;
return $False;
function startRobocopy{
foreach ($item in $sourcesAndDestinations){
$stopWatch= [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
if (validateSourceAndDestination $item){
invoke-expression "robocopy $item $switches $log";
# Record any errors into log and continue to next item
Add-Content $logFile "Elapsed: $elapsedSeconds";
$timeDisplay = ([timespan]::fromseconds($totalTime)).ToString()
Add-Content $logFile "Total Time elapsed: $timeDisplay";
function simulateLockedFile{
# Simulate error by creating file in current directory with some contents; then, open file in locking mode
createDirectory $testDir;
Add-Content ($testLockFile) "locky here!"
$file=[System.IO.File]::Open(($testLockFile), 'Open', 'Read', 'None')
# Try Robocopying
invoke-expression "robocopy $testDir '$testDir/testcopy' $switches";
createDirectory $logPath
Sample Output
PS C:\Users\Kim\Desktop\test> C:\Users\Kim\Desktop\test\robocopy-test.ps1
Log File : C:\Users\Kim\Desktop\test\logs\robocopy-log-2019-07-04-010132.txt
Checking locked files in C:\Users\kim\Desktop\test\test1...
Log File : C:\Users\Kim\Desktop\test\logs\robocopy-log-2019-07-04-010132.txt
Checking locked files in C:\Users\kim\Desktop\test\test2...
Process completed.
Press Enter to continue...: