You can reset Internet Explorer settings to return them to the state they were in when Internet Explorer was first installed on your PC. This can be useful for troubleshooting problems that might be caused by settings changed after installation. Resetting Internet Explorer isn’t reversible, and all previous settings are lost after reset.
Close all Internet Explorer windows that are currently open.
Open the desktop, and then tap or click the Internet Explorer icon on the taskbar. Changing your settings will affect both Internet Explorer and Internet Explorer for the desktop.
Tap or click the Tools button
, and then tap or click Internet options.
Tap or Click the Advanced tab, and then tap or click Reset.
In the Reset Internet Explorer Settings dialog box, tap or click Reset.
When Internet Explorer finishes applying default settings, tap or click Close, and then tap or click OK. You’ll need to restart your PC for these changes to take effect.
@echo off
rem This script resets IE silently
rem via the method of sending keystrokes onto UI
rem Author: Kim Doan
start RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ResetIEtoDefaults
ping -w 1 -n 2
echo set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") >autokeys.vbs
echo WshShell.Sendkeys "%{DOWN}" >>autokeys.vbs
echo WshShell.Sendkeys "R{ENTER}" >>autokeys.vbs
echo WshShell.Sendkeys "%{UP}" >>autokeys.vbs
cscript autokeys.vbs
del autokeys.vbs
ping -w 1 -n 3
echo set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") >autokeys1.vbs
echo WshShell.Sendkeys "c" >>autokeys1.vbs
cscript autokeys1.vbs
del autokeys1.vbs
ping -w 1 -n 1
echo n | gpupdate/force