Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM.exe) is a command-line tool that can be used to service and prepare Windows images, according to Microsoft. Although this tool predates PowerShell, it is often invoked from PowerShell sessions to manage the OS. Here is a script as an illustration of this usefulness.

# dismInstallFeatures.ps1

$featuresToInstall = ('FileAndStorage-Services','Storage-Services','Web-Server','Web-WebServer','Web-Common-Http','Web-Default-Doc','Web-Dir-Browsing','Web-Http-Errors',

# Remove any feature that is not available to prevent dism failures. MSMQ-Container for example is only available 
# on Windows 7 but not on Windows Server 2008 R2. 
$availableFeatures = dism /online /Get-Features
$featuresToRemove = @()
$featuresToInstall | % { if (-not ($availableFeatures | Select-String ('{0}$' -f $_) -Quiet)) { $featuresToRemove += $_} }
$featuresToInstall = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $featuresToInstall -DifferenceObject $featuresToRemove | select -ExpandProperty InputObject

$dismParameter = @('/online', '/Enable-Feature', ($featuresToInstall | % { '/FeatureName:{0}' -f $_ }), '/NoRestart', '/all')
$output = dism @dismParameter

# throw an error if dism wasn't successful
if ($global:LastExitCode -ne 0){
    throw 'Error while installing Windows Features. {0}' -f ($output | Select-String '\.log$')
# dismCheckWindowsFeature.ps1

$featuresToCheck = ('RDS-RD-Server')
$availableFeatures = dism /online /Get-Features
$featuresToRemove = @()
$featuresToInstall | % { if (-not ($availableFeatures | Select-String ('{0}$' -f $_) -Quiet)) { $featuresToRemove += $_} }
$featuresToInstall = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $featuresToInstall -DifferenceObject $featuresToRemove | select -ExpandProperty InputObject

$dismParameter = @('/online', '/Get-Features', ($featuresToCheck | % { '/FeatureName:{0}' -f $_ }), '/NoRestart', '/all')

$output = dism @dismParameter

# throw an error if dism wasn't successful
if ($global:LastExitCode -ne 0)
    throw 'Error while installing Windows Features. {0}' -f ($output | Select-String '\.log$')

dism /online /get-Features 'RDS-RD-Server'