PowerShell Method:
Example of Failure:
PS C:\> sendTestEmail '[email protected]' 'password' '[email protected]'
Detected MX Record : ywpjf4z5siycosmh7uqymtuygcjehuc67wa6o4rq4k2a3g2aodma.mx-verification.google.com
Known SMTP Server : smtp.gmail.com
Secure SMTP Parameters detected.
WARNING: Error: email has NOT been sent.
The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.7.0
Authentication Required. Learn more at
Example of Success:
PS C:\> sendTestEmail '[email protected]' 'password' '[email protected]'
Detected MX Record : aspmx.l.google.com
Known SMTP Server : smtp.gmail.com
Secure SMTP Parameters detected.
Email has been sent to [email protected] successfully
Example of Google Gmail disallowing Unsecured App:
The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.7.0
Authentication Required.
Resolution for the Gmail Issue:
Enable less secure apps at: https://accounts.google.com/v3/signin/identifier?continue=https%3A%2F%2Fmyaccount.google.com%2Flesssecureapps%3Fpli%3D1&emr=1&followup=https%3A%2F%2Fmyaccount.google.com%2Flesssecureapps%3Fpli%3D1&ifkv=ARpgrqdaqxGyEtVgZROzKVBlclclzD4gnvr6dtjGTxrjKVYws5T5r-JwOcpQ86JQN-VvE6gX8A8H&mrp=security&osid=1&passive=1209600&rart=ANgoxcf6M_kJxxwM416Kc_oowXkiFn5uEj6KbYtLU5ZI9b6O2SEHMzHHeSq4_6yB-tShxhkuUp-CF8JvZs7__3jmshZHWrO9s04poFcEyws9X61wEgJd8Uc&service=accountsettings&flowName=GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=ServiceLogin&dsh=S154145929%3A1728050781152957&ddm=0
Note: This setting is hidden if the organization’s administrator has locked less secure app account access feature
# This version has been deprecated by https://blog.kimconnect.com/powershell-script-to-send-emails/
$emailFrom="[email protected]"
$emailTo="[email protected]"
$subject="Test Email to Validate SMTP"
$body="This is a test email.<br><br>Please disregard"
$encryptedPass=ConvertTo-SecureString -String $emailPassword -AsPlainText -Force
$emailCred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $emailAccount,$encryptedPass
function sendTestEmail{
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$subject="Test Email to Validate SMTP",
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$body="This is a test email.<br><br>Please disregard",
$encryptedPass=ConvertTo-SecureString -String $emailPassword -AsPlainText -Force
$emailCred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $emailFrom,$encryptedPass
function getMxRecord($emailAddress){
$domain=.{[void]($emailAddress -match $regexDomain);$matches[1]}
$mxDomain=.{$result=(resolve-dnsname $domain -type mx).NameExchange
if ($result.gettype() -eq [String]){return $result}else{return $result[0]}}
$smtpServer= switch -Wildcard ($mxDomain){ # need to build up this list
"*outlook.com" {"smtp.office365.com";break}
"*google.com" {"smtp.gmail.com";break}
"*yahoodns.net" {'smtp.mail.yahoo.com';break}
"*inbox.com" {'my.inbox.com;break'}
"*mail.com" {'smtp.mail.com';break}
"*icloud.com" {'smtp.mail.me.com';break}
"*zoho.com" {'smtp.zoho.com';break}
default {$mxDomain}
write-host "Detected MX Record`t: $mxDomain`r`nKnown SMTP Server`t: $smtpServer"
return $smtpServer
write-warning "MX record not available for $emailAddress"
return $null
$detectedSmtpServer=getMxRecord $emailFrom
$smtpServer=if($smtpServer -ne $null -and $smtpServer -eq $detectedSmtpServer){
}elseif($smtpServer -ne $null -and $smtpServer -ne $detectedSmtpServer){
write-warning "Detected SMTP server $detectedSmtpServer does not match provided value $smtpServer"
$secureSmtpParams = @{
From = $emailFrom
To = $emailTo
cc = if($cc){$cc}else{$emailFrom}
Subject = $subject
Body = $body
BodyAsHtml = $true
DeliveryNotificationOption = 'OnFailure','OnSuccess'
SmtpServer = $smtpServer
Port = $port
UseSSL = $true
Credential = $emailCred
From = $emailFrom
To = $emailTo
Subject = $subject
Body = $body
BodyAsHtml = $true
DeliveryNotificationOption = 'OnFailure', 'OnSuccess'
SmtpServer = $smtpServer
Port = 25
if ($port -ne 25){
write-host "Secure SMTP Parameters detected."
write-host "Unsecured SMTP Parameters detected."
Send-MailMessage @emailParams -ErrorAction Stop
write-host "Email has been sent to $emailTo successfully"
return $true;
$errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$failedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
write-warning "Error: email has NOT been sent.`r`n$errorMessage`r`n$failedItem"
return $false
Telnet (old-school) Method:
Step 1: Get the Relay FQDN or IP of the target domain
PS C:\Windows\system32> nslookup
Default Server: dc1.kimconnect.net
> set type=mx
> contoso.com
Server: dc1.kimconnect.net
Non-authoritative answer:
contoso.com MX preference = 10, mail exchanger = mx1-us2.contoso.com
contoso.com MX preference = 10, mail exchanger = mx2-us2.contoso.com
mx1-us2.contoso.com internet address =
mx1-us2.contoso.com internet address =
mx2-us2.contoso.com internet address =
mx2-us2.contoso.com internet address =
> exit
Step 2: Test SMTP relay using Telnet
SET localecho
OPEN mx1-us2.contoso.com 25
EHLO contoso.com
MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>
RCPT TO:<[email protected]>
Subject: Test SMTP Relay
Example of source IP being blocked:
EHLO yomama.com 421 4.3.2 No system resources. Please provide the following IP address when reporting problems: x.x.x.x