Day: March 31, 2019

Manual Sync for Office 365 Azure-AD Integration

1. Perform Prerequisites:* a. Install Dot Net Framework 4.5 )* b. Install Windows Management Framework…

Script to Push Files to Remote SFTP Server

# 1. Install WINSCP and include it in the %PATH% environmental variables# 2. Run this…

PowerShell Script to Clean Up Files Older than X Days

$purgePeriod = 30;$folders = '\\FILSERVER01\ORDERS\BACKUP','C:\SFTP_BACKUP';Get-ChildItem -path $folders | where {$_.Lastwritetime -lt (date).adddays(-$purgePeriod)} | remove-item;

PowerShell Script to Read/Parse XML Files in a Directory

# This script is to be set on the FTP server or $folder = '\\FTPSERVER05\SFTP\EDI\INCOMING';$files…

ARP MAC to IP Resolution

If entry already exists on the ARP table:arp -a | find "XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX"If entry does not…

PowerShell Script to Send Email

Use this newer method: ### Variables section ###$fromaddress = "[email protected]"$toaddress = "[email protected]"$bccaddress = ""$CCaddress…

HP Procurve Cheat Sheet

Steps (9 total) 1. Config Files and Flash Files #show config --- Show config file#show…

Script to Purge Stuck Print Jobs

Create a Task Scheduler:- Program to run: powershell.exe- Argument: -ExecutionPolicy Bypass c:\scripts\clearStuckQueue.ps1- Trigger: daily, repeat…

Multiple Spanning Tree on Cisco

Telnet to CORE1:sys #enter system configstp region-configurationregion-name HQrevision-level 1instance 1 vlan 1 2 15instance 2…

Office 365 Rules

Block Executables: Reject large files:  Sender is located Outside the organization The message size is…

HP Procurve Configure Time and Default Gateway

#configure gateway and NTPip default-gateway sntpsntp unicastsntp 30# These are servers for North…

HP Procurve Standard Setup

Connect to the switch via telnet or the serial console and enter config modeswitch# configSet…

Proposal: Network Optimization (Simplified)

Kim ConnectNetwork Optimization Proposal June 23, 2017 Overview 1.    Project Background and Description We are…

HP Procurve Firmware Update

1. Obtain Switch SoftwareJ9533A "5406zl" K.15.16.0005 ==> K.15.18.0016 ==> K.16.02.0019J9729A "2920-48G PoE": WB.15.11.0007 ==> WB.15.15.0014…

Sonicwall Site to Site VPN Setup

Create VPN Tunnel:Log into Rancho Sonicwall >> VPN >> Settings >> AddPolicy Type: Tunnel InterfaceAuthentication:…

User Account Creation Script

1. Create Account in AD a. Select the correct container b. copy memberships of another…

SQL Server Overview

SQL Buffer Manager (Cache) 8K Pages between memory and disk storage 8 Pages = 1…

Sonicwall Multiple WANs Load Balancing & Failover

Load Balancing & Failover Setup: Network >> Interfaces: X0 LAN X1 WAN1 X2 WAN2  …

Wireless Optimal Setup

Have multiple access point using the same SSID for best handover Stagger channels 1, 6,…

Dual DHCP Servers on Microsoft Windows

Requirements:- Windows 2012 Server1. Export from SERVER1netsh dhcp server export \\FILESERVER01\IT\scripts\dhcp.txt all2. Import to SERVER2Add-WindowsFeature…