Day: March 31, 2019

Block USB in Windows 7 using Group Policy

Create and assign a group policy to the appropriate OU with this configuration: Computer Configuration…

Fix Fast Logon Issue Causing H:\ Drive Not Being Mapped

a. Click Start, click Run, type REGEDIT, and then click OK. b. Locate and click…


1. Setup an OpenDNS account and associate it with your address2. Setup DNS masquerading:Services…

VMware ESX Installation Procedures

1. Install ESX from ISO Putty Rufus MWware-VCSA-all-6.0.0-2562643.iso VMware-viclient.exe KVM console (ie. Lantronix) 2. Install…

Measuring Bandwidth between Sites

Matching the right tool for the job: Latency: use PING Jitter: user iPerf UDP test…

Upgrade from Windows 2008 R2 to 2012 R2

1. Run: f:\support\adprep\adprep /forestprep f:\support\adprep\adprep /domainprep   2. Start Windows setup to upgrade the OS…

Fix DFS Replication Problems

1. Remove failed server from Replication Group 2. Right-click "System Volume Information" >> Properties >>…

Fix Missing User Special Folders

1. create C:\Users\KimConnect\Pictures 2. Regedit >> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders >> modify "My Pictures" value to…

File Services

DFS Considerations: 1. NTFS permissions still apply. One must set additional folder security settings on…

RSA SecureID Authentication

Implementation Objectives: 1. Install the primary instance as a virtual appliance 2. Use software/hardware tokens…

Recover Windows CD Key

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")MsgBox ConvertToKey(WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\DigitalProductId"))Function ConvertToKey(Key)Const KeyOffset = 52i = 28Chars = "BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789"DoCur =…

Latency Rule of thumbs

     Excellent: < 1ms      Very good: < 5ms      Good: 5 – 10ms…

Reset Windows XP Activation

Reboot >> F8 >> Safe Mode >> Logon as Adminitrator >> CMD: rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk >>…

Symantec Antivirus

Issue: Symantec Embedded Database stuck on "Starting" status   Resolution: a. Backup License Files b.…

Veritas Backup Exec Account Setup to Authenticate Domain Controllers

1. ADUC >> Create domain user account named "backup" belonging to Administrators, Backup Operators groups…


Backup Solution Notes:   1. Download and import the Storage gateway from AWS (VTL). 2.…

User Account Control

Via Domain Policy: Create new GPO >> Edit >> Computer Configuration >> Policies >> Windows…

Some AWS Quick Notes Virtual Appliance (OVA) image format, which is compatible with VMware vSphere versions 4 and…

Print Server Setup

Enable WSD Discovery: CMD >> Services.msc >> set DNS Client, Function Discovery Provider Host, SSDP…

AWS Highlights

Features: 1. Multi-regions: compliance with Section 404 of COBIT requirements 2. Amazon S3 with redundancy,…