We have recently moved some Orgs from CRM version 8.x to 9.x, and audit history of some intakes shows data as just these container icons
It appears that the upgrading process somehow has generated the Audit Change ([Action] = 102) at Case Entity Level (ObjectTypeCode 112) as Disabled Events (ChangeData = True). Therefore, the recommended action would be:
- Make a full backup of the DB prior to any changes!
- Run this TSQL command against the DB
USE DatabaseName_MSCRM -- fill in the correct database name here
Sample Output:
DELETE FROM [dbo].[AuditBase]
Action = 102 AND -- Audit Change at Entity Level
ChangeData = 'True' AND -- For Disabled Events
(ObjectTypeCode = 112 OR ObjectTypeCode = 2) -- Case OR Contact Entity Object Type Codes - Refresh the case records via the CRM UI to verify that new values have been generated in the Audit History query.