Author: kimconnect

Use CMD to Kill All Instances of a Program / Process

This can be invoked in an un-elevated session. The command is: taskkill /F /IM <PROGRAM.EXE>…

Adding a Domain Security Group into the Hyper-V Administrator Users Group

Issue: Resolution: Click Start > Control Panel > Administration Tools > Computer Management > System Tools…

Toner Cartridge CF283A vs CF283X

These toners will work with HP Pro MFP M127fw M127fn M125nw M201dw M201n M225dn M225dw…

WordPress NextGen Gallery Plugin Error

Error Message: Failed to load plugin url: /bitnami/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/attach_to_post/static/ngg_attach_to_post_tinymce_plugin.js?ver=3.17 Resolution: Although the root cause hasn't been…

PowerShell: Update Cryptocurrency Prices in WordPress WooCommerce

In the absence of true integrated plugins in WordPress to perform scripted actions (updating certain…

PowerShell: Remove A-record in Bluecat

$bluecatUri='' $bluecatUsername='bluecat-service-api' $bluecatPassword='SOMECOMPLEXPASSWORD' $hostRecord='' function loginBluecat{ param( $username, $password, $uri ) $proxy = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri…

PowerShell: Get SQL Job History

$computername='sql01' function getSqlJobHistory($sqlServerName){ try{ if(!(get-module SqlServer)){ Install-Module -Name SqlServer } Import-Module -Name SqlServer $sqlServerInstance=Get-SqlInstance -ServerInstance…

PowerShell: Get SQL Server Backup Statuses

$computername='sql01' function getSqlBackupInfo ($sqlInstanceName=$env:computername, $dbName){ [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo") $location=if($sqlInstanceName.Contains("`\")){ "SQLSERVER:\SQL\$sqlInstanceName\Databases" }else{ "SQLSERVER:\SQL\$sqlInstanceName\DEFAULT\Databases" } function getPacificTime($time){ if($time){ [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId($time,'Pacific…

Using SysPrep To Move Windows Users Directory

Assumptions: Windows 2019 Server Standard ISO is mounted as E:\ D:\Users will be the new…

WordPress: Remove ‘Built with Storefront & WooCommerce’ in footer

Credit: @jobthomas Automattic Happiness Engineer How to apply: search and install Code Snippets > add…

Use PowerShell to Set Microsoft SQL Database Owner

$owner='CAP\SQL Admins' $databaseName='TestDb' $sqlServer=$env:computername function setDbOwner{ param( $principle=$env:USERDOMAIN+'\Domain Admins', $databaseName='TestDB', $sqlServer ) function includeSqlTools{ $ErrorActionPreference='stop'…

Use PowerShell to Grant SysAdmin Role to Certain Users

$principle=$env:USERDOMAIN+'\Domain Admins' $sqlServer=$env:computername function includeSqlTools{ $ErrorActionPreference='stop' try{ $trustedPsgallery=(Get-PSRepository PSGallery).InstallationPolicy -eq 'Trusted' if(!$trustedPsgallery){ Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery…

PowerShell: Auto Login to WordPress and Update Gold Prices WooCommerce Plugin

# API URI - these are examples, only $goldPriceApi='' $silverPriceApi='' $platinumApi='' $palladiumApi='' # Wordpress WooCommerce…

WordPress: Gold Price Widget CSS

Here's a sample of CSS Code to customize the display of the WordPress' Gold Pricing…

Windows: Disable Automatic Restart After Updates

1. Run gpedit.msc as Administrator2. Navigate to Local Group Policy Editor > Computer Configuration >…

PowerShell: Remove IP Address Assignment Using Bluecat API

$bluecatUri='' $bluecatUsername='svc-bluecat-api' $bluecatPassword='PASSWORD' $configId=17 $ipv4Address='' $marker='toBeDeleted-' function confirmation($content,$testValue="I confirm",$maxAttempts=3){ $confirmed=$false; $attempts=0; $content|write-host write-host "Please review…

PowerShell: Unjoin Computer From Domain

# unjoinComputerFromDomain.ps1 # Version 0.02 # Notes: # - This function doesn't delete the referenced…

Windows Server 2019 Remote Desktop Black Screen Problem

While there's no definite solution to this issue, here are some options to work around…

How to Use ImageMagic to Resize Images

Converting PNG to JPG (optimized): # This is an optimized resizing command to convert PNG…

Excel Visual Basic For Application (VBA): Determine IP List

Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objExcel.Visible = True intRow = 2 Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set…