Author: kimconnect

Linux: More Basic Commands

Networking Ping 1 Time ping -c 1 #c is abbreviation for count Check Networking…

Group Policy: WinHTTP Settings

Overview There are several registry keys that needed configuration within a Group Policy to enable…

Docker: Staging Intermediary Containers

Benefits: - Smaller footprints of exposed containers- Less attack surfaces leads to minimum vulnerabilities- Job…

PowerShell: WinHTTP Proxy

The most direct method to set WinHTTP proxy settings on a Windows machine is to…

Ubuntu 19.04: How to Install Adobe Acrobat Reader

Back  in the days when Adobe Acrobat Reader for Linux was supported and available on…

Configuring Virtual Storage Area Networks (VSANs)

NX-OS Overview Source: Storage Area Network (SAN) has been around for ages. During the early…

PowerShell: Get-NetTCPConnection for Windows 7 & 2008

On Windows 8 & 2012, there's this nifty function named Get-NetTCPConnection that is useful to…

PowerShell: Error While Invoking Functions Containing 2 Parameters

Issue: This function will raise an error when being invoked: function localFunc ($x, $y){ begin{}…

Ubuntu: Adding and Remove Repositories (Repos)

The following is a blunder I've made while attempting to install Acrobat Reader on Ubuntu…

Python: Module vs Package vs Library vs Framework

Module is a file which contains various Python functions and global variables. It is simply…

Python: Package Installer for Python (PIP)

This comes preinstalled with Python 3.4 or higher. Similar to the Microsoft PowerShell Gallery,…

Windows 2016: NIC Teaming

Assumptions OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Network Switch: Cisco Nexus 9000 NX-OS with dual supervisors,…

Windows 2016: HP Proliant Server iLO 5

Integrated Lights Out (iLO) Remote Server Management Tools is easy to use. Following is an…

Logical Volume Manager (LVM) in Red Hat

Overview Most modern Linux versions are compatible with LVM, an open source equivalent to Storage…

How To Reset Administrator Password – HP iLO Versions 2-4

Prelude: this instruction only works on HP iLO versions 2 to 4; hence, the title…

MS SQL: Using Profiler to Trace Failed Logins

Story: There has been an issue with a service account triggering login errors at the…

Yet Another Quick List of Linux Commands

Here's a quick list of useful Linux lines that Admins should be committing to muscle…

PowerShell: Script to Search Scheduled Tasks for a Service Account

#$jumpBox=$env:COMPUTERNAME$servers="WEB01"$runas="Network Service"# Admin$who = whoami if ($who.substring($who.length-5, 5) -eq "-admin"){$username=$who;} else {$username=$who+"-admin";}#$password = Read-Host -Prompt…

Python: RegEx Module

It's been opinionated that a string operation is made complete only with RegEx. Hence, Python…

Python Module: JSON

Overview JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is written in plain-text that is very useful to store…