Author: kimconnect

How to Disable WordPress Auto Wrap Function ‘wpautp’

Update: the current version of WordPress has rendered these methods ineffective. I'll update this post…

Use CSS Override to Modify WordPress 2016 Theme

August 28th, 2020 update Modifications: 1. Move search bar to top right Edit header.php: Dashboard…

JavaScript: Build a Tic Tac Toe Game (without AI)

Demo: CSS Code: @import url('');body{ font-family: 'Merienda', cursive; font-weight: bold;}#gameBoard { width: 396px; //…

JavaScript: Wikipedia Viewer

Demo: Wikipedia Viewer HTML Code: <body><div class="container"> <h1>Wikipedia Search</h1> <p>A Free Code Camp Intermediate Project</p><br/>…

JavaScript: Build a Tribute Page

Demo: https:// HTML Code: <html><head> <body> <img src=""> <h1>Mahatma Gandhi</h1> <div class="hidden"> <h2>"You must…

JavaScript: Use the TwitchTV JSON API

Demo: https:// HTML Code: <div class="container"> <div class="row" id="header"> <h1>Selected Twitch Streamers</h1> <div class="menu">…

JavaScript: Show the Local Weather

Demo: HTML Code: <html><body><h3 class="text-center">A Free Code Camp JavaScript Intermediate Level Project</h3><div class="container"><div class="text-center">…

Build a JavaScript Calculator

Demo: HTML Code: <link href='//' rel='stylesheet'><div class='container'> <div id='calculator'> <!-- TITLE --> <div id='title'…

JavaScript: Pomodoro Clock

Demo: Pomodoro Clock HTML Code: <body> <div class="header"> <h1>Pomodoro Timer</h1> <h2>A Free Code Camp Student…

JavaScript: Random Quote Generator

Demo Link: HTML code: <body> <div class="container fluid"> <div> <div class="text-center"> <h1> Random Quote…

How to Transfer Files Via SSH or WinRM

Secured Shell (SSH) is the prevalent standard for remote accessing of Linux systems. Even Microsoft…

Exchange 2010: How to Increase Mailbox Quota for Individual Users

Exchange Management Console > Recipient Configuration > Right-click on Mailbox > Find Input the username…

How to Check NTFS Effective Permission Access of a User

Right-click on the Folder > Properties > Security tab > Advanced > Effective Access tab…

WordPress Custom CSS for Tables

WordPress themes can be customized, and one of the common practice is to add CSS…

Sample Multi-Site Metadata

SimpleSAML PHP module requires that each site to be configured with a $metadata entry. Below…

Overview: ReadOnly Domain Controllers (RODC)

Starting with Windows 2008, Microsoft has created a feature called Password Replication Policy (PRP). It…

Audit Logon Successes & Failures on All Domain Controllers

Issue: In a realistic situation, InfoSec would notify DBAdmins and SysAdmins of failed logon alerts…

Notable Features of C#

This language is part of the .NET framework that can be used to build applications…

Basic HTML and HTML5: Link to Internal Sections of a Page with Anchor Elements

<h2>Demo</h2><main><a href="#footer">Jump to Bottom</a><img src="" alt="A cute orange cat lying on its back."><p>Kitty ipsum dolor…

Basic JavaScript: Comparison with the Strict Inequality Operator

function testStrictNotEqual(val) {// Only Change Code Below this Line// Add the strict inequality operator to…