Author: kimconnect

RSA SecureID Authentication

Implementation Objectives: 1. Install the primary instance as a virtual appliance 2. Use software/hardware tokens…

Recover Windows CD Key

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")MsgBox ConvertToKey(WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\DigitalProductId"))Function ConvertToKey(Key)Const KeyOffset = 52i = 28Chars = "BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789"DoCur =…

Latency Rule of thumbs

     Excellent: < 1ms      Very good: < 5ms      Good: 5 – 10ms…

Reset Windows XP Activation

Reboot >> F8 >> Safe Mode >> Logon as Adminitrator >> CMD: rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk >>…

Symantec Antivirus

Issue: Symantec Embedded Database stuck on "Starting" status   Resolution: a. Backup License Files b.…

Veritas Backup Exec Account Setup to Authenticate Domain Controllers

1. ADUC >> Create domain user account named "backup" belonging to Administrators, Backup Operators groups…


Backup Solution Notes:   1. Download and import the Storage gateway from AWS (VTL). 2.…

User Account Control

Via Domain Policy: Create new GPO >> Edit >> Computer Configuration >> Policies >> Windows…

Some AWS Quick Notes Virtual Appliance (OVA) image format, which is compatible with VMware vSphere versions 4 and…

Print Server Setup

Enable WSD Discovery: CMD >> Services.msc >> set DNS Client, Function Discovery Provider Host, SSDP…

AWS Highlights

Features: 1. Multi-regions: compliance with Section 404 of COBIT requirements 2. Amazon S3 with redundancy,…

DNS Load Balance

LdapSrvWeight to proportionally distribute AD referral traffic (default 100) Regedit >> HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters >> New DWORD…

How to expand volume of a linux virtual machine residing in a ESXi host

1. Power off VM2. Expand volume size3. Power on VM4. Confirm new volume size# fdisk…

Configure VPN from AWS to CPE (Juniper Router)

1. Create VPN connection from AWS portal and download the configuration file2. Import the configuration…

Setting up proper multiple active I/O Paths between ESX and Equalogic

There are two options:1. If ESX Enterprise license is available, download Dell MEM 1.1.2 package…

AWS Instances Backup

Images: Putty (SSH) into the Image Creator instance in N. Virginia (tetriary Zone) and test…

Setup Multiple SMTP Servers

- Add SPF record for both SMTP servers that are authorized to send email for…

AWS Autoscale with Public IP re-association

Option 1:--associate-public-ip-address command option with the as-create-launch-config commandOption 2:Allocate an Elastic IP then adding a…

Configure Remote Servers to Download Contents from Microsoft Directly instead of WSUS

Log onto Local Server >> Group Policy >> Computer Configuration >> Administrative Templates >> System…

Websense Notes

Reminder: when changing Websense Server Name, one must also update it's associated pointer in Web…