Category: Virtualization

Hyper-V Live Migration Error 0x8007003B

Symptom: Live migration of 'Virtual Machine TESTVM' failed.Virtual machine migration operation for 'TESTVM' failed at…

PowerShell: Set Virtual Machine Default Paths on Hyper-V Host of a Cluster

$newVirtualMachinePath='D:\VirtualMachines' $newVirtualHardDiskPath='D:\VirtualMachines' function getHyperVHostsInForest{ function includeRSAT{ $ErrorActionPreference='stop' [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 #$rsatWindows7x32='' $rsatWindows7x64='' $rsatWindows81='' $rsat1709 =…

Virtual Machine Queue: Assigning Processors to Network Interfaces

Microsoft Hyper-V Virtual Machine Queuing is useful to maximize high-bandwidth network cards. However, configuring this…

Hyper-V Virtual Machines Won’t Start on Restore or Live Migration

Symptom: Cluster resource of type 'Virtual Machine' in clustered role failed. The error code was…

PowerShell: List All Hyper-V Snapshots of All VMs in All Clusters in Domain

# listHyperVSnapshots.ps1 $clusterName='*' function listAllHyperVSnapshots([string[]]$clusterName){ function includeRSAT{ $ErrorActionPreference='stop' [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 #$rsatWindows7x32='' $rsatWindows7x64='' $rsatWindows81='' $rsat1709…

PowerShell: Gather All Guess VM of All Hyper-V Clusters in the Domain

# getAllVms.ps1 $clusterName='*' function includeRSAT{ $ErrorActionPreference='stop' [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 #$rsatWindows7x32='' $rsatWindows7x64='' $rsatWindows81='' $rsat1709 = ""…

PowerShell: Get All Hyper-V Servers in the Domain or Forest

This is a working version to correct my previous codes posted somewhere on this site…

PowerShell: Remove Hyper-V VM Snapshots

Hyper-V's snapshot feature is a double-edged sword. It's a convenient method to make a quick…

PowerShell: Set Hyper-V Cluster Quorum

# setClusterQuorum.ps1 # version 0.01 $clustername=$null $clusterQuorum="\\FILESHERVER007\CLUSTER007" $resetPrior=$false function setClusterQuorum($clusterName,$clusterQuorum,$resetPrior=$false){ # Get clustername, if not…

PowerShell: Get Quorums of All Clusters in the Domain

# getClusterQuorum.ps1 function getClusterQuorum{ $allClusters=(get-cluster -domain $env:USERDNSDOMAIN).Name $results=@{} foreach ($cluster in $allClusters){ $quorum=Get-ClusterQuorum -Cluster $cluster…

PowerShell: Take VM Snapshots

# takeVmSnapshot.ps1 $vmNames='Test-VM1','Cowabunga-VM4' $snapShotLabel="Snapshot $(get-date -Format yyyyMMddTHHmmss)" function takeVmSnapshot([string[]]$vmName,[string]$snapshotLabel){ $vmClusterNodes=Get-ClusterGroup|?{$_.GroupType -eq 'VirtualMachine'} foreach ($vm in…

PowerShell: Disable Virtual Machine Queuing on Hyper-V Hosts

What is VMQ? Virtual Machine Queuing is a shortcut to deliver packet data from the…

Hyper-V: Attach a New Virtual Disk

$vmName='TestVm' $storageLocation='\\FILESERVER06\SHAREXOXO' $newDiskSize='100GB' $dynamic=$true function createNewDisk{ param( $vmName, $storageLocation, $newDiskSize='100GB', $dynamic=$true ) $ErrorActionPreference='stop' try{ write-host…

Create a Report of MTU Settings on All Hyper-V Hosts in the Domain/Forest

# mtuReportAllHyperVHosts.ps1 # Ensure that AD management module is available for PS Session function includeRSAT{…

Enable Jumbo Frames on a Windows Host

Overview: Whether the engineer or sysadmin works in the realm of 'networking', 'database', or 'Windows',…

Hyper-V: De-register Storage File Share and/or Removing Paths from VMM

# vmmDeregisterFileSharePath.ps1 $pathSearch='\\DECOMMISSIONED-FILESHARE008' $unregister=$true $remove=$false $fileShares=Get-SCStorageFileShare|?{$_.SharePath -like "*$pathSearch*"} $thisLibraryServer = Get-SCLibraryServer if($unregister){$fileShares|%{Unregister-SCStorageFileShare -StorageFileShare $_ -LibraryServer…

Hyper-V: Search for Guest VMs Utilizing Certain Storage Paths

$pathSearch='C:\ClusterShare\RandomFolder' $pathSearch='C:\ProgramData' $allHyperVHosts={(Get-ClusterNode | Where { $_.State –eq "Up" }).Name | %{$_.ToLower()}}.Invoke() $allVms=foreach ($hyperVHost in…

PowerShell: Get NIC MTU’s of All Hyper-V Hosts in Domain/Forest

# listHyperVHostsInForests.ps1 # Version: 0.02 function listHyperVHostsInForests{ # Ensure that AD management module is available…

Hyper-V UEFI Error: The Image’s Hash and Certificate are Not Allowed (DB)

Symptom: Cause: Secure Boot has been enabled on this generation 2 guest virtual machine. This…