Category: Virtualization

Hyper-V: Cloning a Virtual Machine

Update 11/25/2021: There's anther variation of this function at: function will dynamically detect source…

Hyper-V: Creating a New Virtual Machine

# Compulsory variables $hyperVHost='HYPERV007' $vmName='WindowsGoldenImage' $parentDirectory='C:\ClusterStorage\Volume5' $disk1Size='100GB' $memoryAllocation='8GB' $networkSwitch='PublicZone' $vlan='1005' $clusterName='DEV-CLUSTER05' # Optional variables $disk2Size=$false…

Hyper-V: Clone Linux Guest VM

There are two methods of cloning an existing guest VM: Templating and Copying. Templating has…

Remote Desktop Service Optimizations

Optimize RDP user experience:---------------------------------------------------gpedit.msc > Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows Components…

Hyper-V: How to Convert IDE to SCSI on a Guest VM

Plan A: 1. Clone the existing Guest VM as a full backup2. While having target…

Azure: TrafficManager

Requirement Create a Traffic Manager profile for KimConnect using the Azure portal. Overview ---------------------------------"Setup Phase"1.…

Storage: Cohesity(tm) Basics

The intention of this posting is to critique a product known as Cohesity, a trademark…

PowerShell: Automating Microsoft Failover Cluster Maintenance – FileServer, SQL AlwaysOn, Hyper-V Guest VMs, Disks Operations

##################################################################################################### # MsClusterMaintenance_v0.0.2.ps1 # Author: # License: GPLv3 # Description: this program automates the…

PowerShell: Get Hyper-V Host Name from Inside Guest VM

$guestVMName="SOMENAME"function getHyperVHostname{ param([string]$guestVMName=$env:computername) $hive = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]::LocalMachine; $keyPath = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Virtual Machine\Guest\Parameters'; $value = 'HostName'; $reg =…

Bash Shell: Old School Migration of ESXi Guest Virtual Machines

Step 0: Preparations Estimate file-copying duration for cut-over:- Sustained storage transfer speed using a 1GB…

VMware: How To Mount a USB Thumb Drive as a Data Store

Although USB is not a recommended data store type, it is still possible to mount…

ESXi 6.5 Installation Instructions

Prepare to Install ⦁ Reserve host Management & vMotion IPs ⦁ Pick an available IP…

PowerShell: Hyper-V Management

Migrate Live Virtual Machines (In Clustered Environment): # Connect to Hyper-V Host$remoteHost="HYPERV01"Enter-PsSession $remoteHost # Move…

PowerShell: Connect to Azure CLI

# Set PSGallery as trusted to bypass promptsSet-PSRepository -Name 'PSGallery' -InstallationPolicy Trusted -WarningAction SilentlyContinue #…

Docker: Update Startup Policy for Running Containers

# Update only 1 container by name (instead of ID)docker update --restart=always kimconnect # View…

AWS-CLI: Detach A Volume

Check Volume's Status PS C:\Windows> aws ec2 describe-volumes --region us-west-1 --volume-ids vol-0a0f16ef5a9d69a29{ "Volumes": [ {…

Install AWS Command Line Interface on Windoze

Obtain AWS Access Key: Log into AWS > click on your User Name > My…

How To Use Putty with an AWS Private Key

Step 1: convert .PEM file into a .PPK format Run puttygen.exe Click on Load Navigate…

Hyper-V Administration Console

Install the Hyper-V Management Console # Windows 2016 or higher: install the Hyper-V management tool…

CentOS System Rescue on AWS

Once upon a 'right-now' time, an EC2 instance on AWS would not come back online…