Category: Linux

Linux: Use Lubuntu 20.04, TightVNC Server, NoVNC, WebSockify to Create a Terminal Server Accessible via Any Browser!

Use Case:Imagine a virtual classroom with students using Chromebooks, iPads, and other types of computers,…

Ubuntu 20.04: Setting Static IP Address on an Interface

Short Version # Configure networking sudo vim /etc/netplan/*.yaml ### Sample content ### network: version: 2…

Lubuntu 20.04 – Enable SSH

# Install sshd sudo apt install ssh -y sudo systemctl enable --now ssh # Configure…

Linux: Manual File System Partitioning

Most Linux installation wizards offer the feature of automatic allocation of storage resources as discovered…

Networking: Upgrading Legacy Ubiquiti Devices

Step 1: obtain the bin URL from Step 2: perform the upgrade rambo@kimlinux:/home/rambo# ssh…

Linux: Disks & Memory Management

Step 1: Discovery of Disks on a System # Using List hardware to gather general…

Linux: Installing Portainer

Step 1: install Docker Step 2: install networkThere are two modes: bridge or 802.1q trunk…

Linux: Installing Docker Community Edition on Centos 8

# Switch into Sudo mode sudo su # Disable the built-in firewall as it will…

Linux: MySql Docker Container – Export database

# Set VariablessqlContainer="mysql-server"userName=bruceleepassword=chucknorrisdatabaseName=kimconnect# Run mysql inside containerdocker exec -it  $sqlContainer mysql -u$userName --password='$password'show databases;# Execute mysqldumpdocker exec $sqlContainer /usr/bin/mysqldump…

Dev Environment Technitium DNS Server

Windows: $technitiumPortableDownload=""$tempDir="C:\Temp"; $extractionDir="C:\Technitium" $destinationFile = "$tempDir\"; try{[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12}catch{} New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $tempDir…

Linux: Reclaim Disk Space by Performing System Cleanups

All systems: Check disk space usage # check /var directorydu -a /var | sort -nr…

Linux User and Group General Operations

# Add new useruseradd tomcruise# Create new groupgroupadd webadmins# Add user to groupusermod -a -G…

Creating a RAM Disk on a Linux Instance of AWS

This information has already been conveyed in another post regarding a method to overcome MySQL…

Manually Create a SSL Certificate with LetsEncrypt

Step 1: Install certbot-auto mkdir /etc/letsencryptcd /etc/letsencrypt/wget chmod a+x certbot-auto Step 2: Create the Cert…

Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)

/bin : binaries to run fundamental Linux functions/boot : boot partition/cdrom : legacy mounting point/dev…

Linux: Remediate SSL Weak Cipher Suites

Description The remote host supports the use of SSL ciphers that offer weak encryption. Note:…

How to Install Virtualbox in Ubuntu

Simply run these two commands: sudo add-apt-repository multiverse && sudo apt-get update sudo apt -y…

Ubuntu 18.04: Network Configuration Utility

Prior to version 18.04, network configurations have been via these commands: sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces sudo…

Linux: How To Install Visual Studio Code

Intro Bypassing any discussions about choosing Visual Studio Code (VS Code) over Atom or Sublime…

Ubuntu: Install VMWare WorkStation

Easy. Run these three commands: wget -O ~/vmware.bin sudo apt install build-essentialsudo bash ~/vmware.bin Output:…