
  1. Recurring error in Event Log
    • #61346 - An error occurred while checking for outgoing email messages to process for SMTP: . System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]: User does not have send-as privilege. (Fault Detail is equal to Exception details: ErrorCode: 0x8004480D
      Message: User does not have send-as privilege.
      TimeStamp: 2015-09-09T23:20:31.7346982Z
      Exception details:
      ErrorCode: 0x8004480D
      Message: User does not have send-as privilege.
      TimeStamp: 2015-09-09T23:20:31.7346982Z
  2. Emails in certain work-flow is stuck in ‘pending send’ status indefinitely


  1. Ensure that the stuck account has the correct permissions by either being added to one of these roles
    • System Administrator
    • Delegates with modified permissions to grant Send-As for the whole organization
  2. Set email send-as permission for the referenced account to ‘Enabled’
  3. If the 2 steps above still doesn’t resolve the issue, then follow this article to use the XRMToolbox to set Send-As permissions for any accounts that could be utilized as Owner of certain workflows.