# setProcessNameToCpuNumber.ps1
$computerName =$env:computername
function getProcessors{
[int]$processors = 0;
$cpuObject = Get-WmiObject -computername $computerName win32_processor -ea stop
$cpuObject | % { $processors += $_.NumberOfLogicalProcessors};
#$cpuObject | select Name,NumberOfCores,LoadPercentage
return $processors;
function setCpuAffinity {
param (
<# Implementation of Processor bitmask calculation
Core # => BitMask => decimal representation
Core 1 => 00000001 => 1
Core 2 => 00000010 => 2
Core 3 => 00000100 => 4
Core 4 => 00001000 => 8
Core 5 => 00010000 => 16
Core 6 => 00100000 => 32
Core 7 => 01000000 => 64
Core 8 => 10000000 => 128
8 Cores => 11111111 => 255
4 Cores => 00001111 => 15
2 Cores => 00000011 => 3
[int]$processors = 0;
$cpuObject = Get-WmiObject -computername $computerName win32_processor -ea stop
$cpuObject | % { $processors += $_.NumberOfLogicalProcessors};
$maxAffinityValue = ([math]::pow(2,$processors)-1);
[int]$affinityValue = 0;
if ($all) {
$affinityValue = $maxAffinityValue
$coreNumbers | select -unique | % {$affinityValue += [math]::pow(2,$_-1) }
if (($affinityValue -gt $maxAffinityValue) -or ($affinityValue -lt 1)) {$affinityValue = $maxAffinityValue}
function convertAffinityValueToCpuNumbers([int]$value){
$reversedBitmask=ForEach ($character in $bitmask) {
([regex]::Matches($character,'.','RightToLeft') | ForEach {$_.value}) -join ''
for ($i=0;$i -lt $reversedBitmask.length;$i++){
if ($x -eq 1){
$result=$cpuNumbers -join ","
return $result
$processMatches=Get-Process -name $processName -ComputerName $computerName
invoke-command -ComputerName $computerName -ScriptBlock {
Get-Process -name $processName|%{ $_.ProcessorAffinity = $affinityValue };
} -Args $processName,$affinityValue
$resultAffinityValue=(Get-Process -name $processName -ComputerName $computerName).ProcessorAffinity|select -Unique;
$validation=convertAffinityValueToCpuNumbers $resultAffinityValue
return "Process $processName has been set and validated to CPU affinity of $validation"
write-host "Process name $processName doesn't match anything on $computername.";
return $false;
write-host "There are $(getProcessors) logical CPUs on $computerName."
setCpuAffinity -computerName $computerName -processName $processname -coreNumbers 1,2,3,4
Sample Output:
PS C:\Windows\system32> write-host "there are logical $(getProcessors) on $computerName."
There are 4 logical CPUs on GRANDPA-LAPTOP.
PS C:\Windows\system32> setCpuAffinity -computerName $computerName -processName $processname -coreNumbers 1,4
Process Chrome has been set and validated to CPU affinity of 1,4
Evidence of CPUs 1 &4 being taxed heavily after the change