Author: kimconnect

PowerShell: Windows 10 Preparation Script

Set PowerShell execution policy prior to running script as an Administrator Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Confirm:$False…

PowerShell: Script to Send Emails

In the past, a simple email relay script was sufficient to spool internal messages. However,…

On Premise Exchange to Office 365 Migration Using Method: Asynchronous PST Export & Import

Assumptions: 1. Hybrid Exchange Migration and Stage Migration methods have been considered and rejected2. Active…

Linux User and Group General Operations

# Add new useruseradd tomcruise# Create new groupgroupadd webadmins# Add user to groupusermod -a -G…

Exchange 2007 Staged Migration to Office 365

Intro: Exchange 2003 or 2007 is so old that detailed instructions would only be useful…

On-Premise Exchange 2010 to Office 365 Migration Instructions

Overview: There are several methods of migrating an on premise targeted Microsoft Exchange system, herein…

PowerShell: Practical Usage of Robocopy

Quick Commands: $source='C:\vssSnapshot_F'$destination='\\DESTINATIONSERVER\F$'robocopy $source $destination /E /R:0 /NP /XD '$RECYCLE.BIN' 'System Volume Information' /xf 'pagefile.sys'…

How to Setup Applications & Scanners to Use Office 365 Online Exchange to Send Emails

Intro: There are three (3) methods: (1) SMTP client authentication, (2) Direct Send, and (3)…

How To Use Putty with an AWS Private Key

Step 1: convert .PEM file into a .PPK format Run puttygen.exe Click on Load Navigate…

Microsoft Failover Clustering Service Overview

In Windows 2012 R2, the failover clustering service requires some downtime to migrate clusters from…

Microsoft SQL Server Storage Capacity Planning

This would be a recommended mounted volumes for most environment: 80GB RAID10 C:\ Operating System…

Hyper-V Administration Console

Install the Hyper-V Management Console # Windows 2016 or higher: install the Hyper-V management tool…

PowerShell: Administering Network Time Protocol Settings on Windows

Quick Script of Domain Joined Laptops and Desktops for Remote Users: # Set Domain Joined…

Creating a RAM Disk on a Linux Instance of AWS

This information has already been conveyed in another post regarding a method to overcome MySQL…

CentOS System Rescue on AWS

Once upon a 'right-now' time, an EC2 instance on AWS would not come back online…

Manually Create a SSL Certificate with LetsEncrypt

Step 1: Install certbot-auto mkdir /etc/letsencryptcd /etc/letsencrypt/wget chmod a+x certbot-auto Step 2: Create the Cert…

PowerShell: Handling Windows Product Key

There are two ways to obtain product keys: Way 1: Way 2: Issue a…

Microsoft Hyper-V: Creating Windows Template (Golden Image)

Steps to Create a Windows Template Assuming that the Windows Template guest VM has already…

PowerShell Commands to Discover the Server Network, Netmask, DHCP status, and Gateway

$servername = "SERVER01"get-wmiobject win32_networkadapterconfiguration -computername $servername -ea stop | ? {$_.IPEnabled}# Result:DHCPEnabled      :…

VMWare vSphere Site Recovery Manager (SRM)

1. Creating folders to group VM clients for application From Home > vCenter > Select…