Author: kimconnect

Forth Shift Administrative Procedures – Daily and Monthly

Introduction: There are batch scripts that are scheduled to run on a daily basis. In…

Fedex Ship Manager Installation Notes

For technical support, call 1.877.FDX Assist 1.877.339.2774 during the following hours: Monday - Friday 7…

RJ45 Ethernet & RJ11 Telephone Cables

There are three options to Ethernet cable wiring: T568-A, T568-B, and cross-over. AT&T & other…

CA eTRust Threat Management

Install the Server Control to download updates and push the updates out to all installed…

Sample Port Mappy in the Year of 66203545 A.D.

Building:  Marketing Division Notice: Blanks next to Patch ID means they were not found. Patch…

Chronos Time Clock Administration

How to Add Notes Configuration Manager Terminals Timekeeper Terminals right click - basic configuration Type…

Projects for Mystery Client in 2005

Mystery Client Technology Overview Last year Mystery Client upgraded to Microsoft Exchange 2003. This had…

Some Old SQL Snippets


Some Batch Files

REM Date.batset fscfg=m:\mfgsys\fs.cfgm:\fs_apps\setcfg N0 DT_TODAY={TODAY} REM lexp.batfsguiapp.exe -s -cm:\mfgsys\fs.cfg -iAAA{TAB}y2k99{CR}bexe{ESC}exp{CR}exit Rem Invoice_Prints_ZZ1_2_3_.batfsguiapp.exe -cm:\mfgsys\fs.cfg -iZZ1{TAB}pass1{CR}bexe{ESC}zz1{CR}M:\cabsauto\timeout 15fsguiapp.exe…


fsguiapp.exe -cm:\mfgsys\fs.cfg -iZZ1{TAB}y2k99{CR}bexe{ESC}zz6{CR}M:\cabsauto\timeout 15fsguiapp.exe -cm:\mfgsys\fs.cfg -iZZ2{TAB}y2k99{CR}bexe{ESC}zz7{CR}M:\cabsauto\timeout 15fsguiapp.exe -cm:\mfgsys\fs.cfg -iZZ3{TAB}y2k99{CR}bexe{ESC}zz8{CR}rem M:\cabsauto\timeout 15rem fsguiapp.exe -s -cm:\mfgsys\fs.cfg -iZZ4{TAB}y2k99{CR}bexe{ESC}zz4{CR}

Sample Forth Shift Script

REM Daily Batch for Fourth Shiftrem E:\FShift\cabsauto\timeout 14400rem E:\FShift\cabsauto\timeout 7200rem E:\FShift\cabsauto\timeout 7200rem E:\FShift\cabsauto\timeout 7200rem E:\FShift\cabsauto\timeout…

PowerShell: Download Dot Net 4.7.2

# Illustration: download Dot Net 4.7 Run-time from behind a proxy and showing progress barfunction…

Function to Import PortQry (a Systernal Utility)

Update: much adieu about nothing. Run this quick script and ignore the prior jibberish: if…

Question: Is VirtualBox Recommended for Production?

Answer: No - It's not supported for production environment: - VirtualBox is not enterprise level:…

Some Stories in the Backlog

1. Upgrade pods with 32" monitors - Make collaboration easier - Increase productivity   2.…

PowerShell: Methods to Download Files

# Change these values to reflect your desired downloads$fileURL = ""$output = "C:\WINDOWS\System32\SysInternals\portqry.exe"1. Start-BitsTransfer (my…

MongoDB: Backup and Restore

Manual Methods:Using mongodump and mongorestoreMaking a backup using mongodump- Permissions required: grant find action, backup…

PowerShell: Check RPC Services on Remote Windows Machines

This current version is to be more compatible with PoSH 6.0 (by removing work-flow) as…

PowerShell: Function to Wait for Service to Be Back Online (After Server Reboots)

Function waitForService{ $testSucceeded=(Test-NetConnection $server -port $port).TcpTestSucceeded $null=Set-PSBreakpoint -Variable rightNow -Mode Read -Action { $global:testSucceeded =…

PowerShell: How to Play a Sound

$soundFile="C:\Windows\media\tada.wav"$sound = new-Object System.Media.SoundPlayer$sound.SoundLocation=$soundFile$sound.Play()