Category: Virtualization

Microsoft Hyper-V: Creating Windows Template (Golden Image)

Steps to Create a Windows Template Assuming that the Windows Template guest VM has already…

VMWare vSphere Site Recovery Manager (SRM)

1. Creating folders to group VM clients for application From Home > vCenter > Select…

Overview of Microsoft Azure Networking

Private connections into Azure are either via ExpressRoute (comparable to AWS DirectConnect) or VPN. The…

Cisco Fabric Switch – MDS Zoning Template

<# What this script does: 1. Checks to see if an Internet connection via PowerShell…

Overview of Veeam Backup and Restore

Prepare the Environment Permissions - Active Directory: create a service account as a member of…

PowerShell: vSphere 5.5 and TLS 1.2 Connection Issues

Intro: There was this situation when we experienced connection issues with "Connect-VIServer" commands from PowerShell…

How to Install Virtualbox in Ubuntu

Simply run these two commands: sudo add-apt-repository multiverse && sudo apt-get update sudo apt -y…

SAN Storage: Using 3PAR StoreServ to Provision LUNs for vSphere ESXi or Windows Server

Overview: Assumptions MDS Zoning Configuration has been completed. Operating Systems ESXi OS has been installed…

Cisco VSAN: MDS Zoning Configuration for ESXi Host – Step by Step

Step 1: gather information A. VSAN Nodes Each site shall have two sets of MDS…

Docker: Staging Intermediary Containers

Benefits: - Smaller footprints of exposed containers- Less attack surfaces leads to minimum vulnerabilities- Job…

Configuring Virtual Storage Area Networks (VSANs)

NX-OS Overview Source: Storage Area Network (SAN) has been around for ages. During the early…

Windows 2016: NIC Teaming

Assumptions OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Network Switch: Cisco Nexus 9000 NX-OS with dual supervisors,…

Getting Started with Kubernetes on Linux

Update 01-24-21: there's new blog to succeed this article here. 1. Install Kubectl Redhat-based commands:…

Kubernetes Overview

Master Server Role - One server or a pod functions as the master server- Master…

VMWare: Provisioning New Guest Virtual Machines

Overview: The process of provisioning a guest virtual machine (VM) template in a cluster follows…

How to Import Files Into a Docker Container

1. Use SCP to copy files to the remote server while logged onto the local…

Question: Is VirtualBox Recommended for Production?

Answer: No - It's not supported for production environment: - VirtualBox is not enterprise level:…

Docker DRUPAL Container

# Preseed drupal files with persitent storagemkdir /var/www/html/kimconnect/{modules,profiles,sites,themes}docker run --rm drupal tar -cC /var/www/html/sites .…

Docker ShellInABox

docker run --privileged -p 9999:4200 -e SIAB_PASSWORD=password-e SIAB_SUDO=true sspreitzer/shellinabox:latestdocker run --privileged -d --name shellinabox -p…

LAMP Stack using Docker

# Install docker and composeyum install docker docker-compose -y# Add user into docker groupusermod -aG…