
PowerShell: Reset Windows 10 to Default Factory Settings

The easiest (GUI) method: systemreset -cleanpc The automated method: # Experimental code: not working yet…

How to Overclock Computer CPU

Step 1:- Buy an overclock-able CPU such as the Intel Pentium G3258- Buy a good…

Linux Mint 20: How to Disable the Annoying Keyring Prompts for Passwords

Update 03/2023: The default installation of Linux Mint expects that the user would login…

PowerShell: Set Autologon for Windows

Current Version: function setAutoLogon($username,$password){ $regWinlogon='REGISTRY::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon' $regKeyUsername='DefaultUserName' $regKeyPassword='DefaultPassword' $kegKeyAutologin='AutoAdminLogon' $regKeyDefaultDomain='DefaultDomain' function testCredential($username,$password){ # Get current…

VMWare CVE-2018-3646 Mitigation

Enable ESXi Side-Channel-Aware Scheduler Version 2 (SCAv2) using ESXCLI SSH to an ESXi host or open a…

Listing SMB Shares on a Windows Machine

Option 1: PS C:\Windows\system32> get-WmiObject -class Win32_Share Name Path Description ---- ---- ----------- ADMIN$ C:\Windows…

PowerShell: Quick Script to Get Storage Utilization

$volumes = (gwmi -Class win32_volume -Filter "DriveType!=5" -ea stop| ?{$_.DriveLetter -ne $isnull}|` Select-object @{Name="Letter";Expression={$_.DriveLetter}},` @{Name="Label";Expression={$_.Label}},`…

Windows Short-cut vs Symbolic Link vs Junction vs Hard Link

Although they behave similarly, there are fundamental differences between a short-cut (a Microsoft's implementation for…

How To Configure Greylog Client on CentOS 8 Linux

Step 1: Access http://[your-graylog-server]:[portNumber]/system/inputs to obtain this info such as show in this example: Syslog_UDP…

Bash Shell Quick If Then and Case Switch Statements

protocol=udp # or tcp # If-then implementation if [$protocol == udp] then prefix=@ else prefix=@@…

How to Create USB Bootable Drive on Ubuntu

Navigate to Start Menu > System Tools > Startup Disk Creator Verify that the Source…

CentOS 8 SSH Daemon Notes

# How to check sshd logs tail -f -n 50 /var/log/secure|grep sshd # Limit sessions…

An Issue with RSA Key On CentOS 8

Error message seen by checking SSH Daemon status: [root@linux1 testadmin]# service sshd statusRedirecting to /bin/systemctl…

How to Disable SELINUX on CentOS 8

SELinux is a sort of system-call firewall, where processes are in their run spaces. When…

Network Time Protocol for CentOS 8

Check hardware clock [root@sftp testadmin]# hwclock --verbosehwclock from util-linux 2.32.1System Time: 1608158426.341727Trying to open: /dev/rtc0Using…

PowerShell: Maintain Linux Services via SSH Remoting

Version 2: # maintainLinuxServices.ps1 # Version 0.0.2 # Description: this is a simple script to…

PowerShell: Probe Remote Machine for Its OS Type

function probeOsType($server){ $ping=test-connection $server -count 1 $ttl=$ping.ResponseTimeToLive $osType=switch($ttl){ {$_ -le 64} {"Linux"; break} # MacOs…

Windows Firewall Block ICMP Ping

Following is a quick exercise in configuring Windows firewall to block certain protocols: # Disable…

Update Windows with Restricted Internet Access

This script is an extract of a longer version with the features of simultaneous executions…

Linux: Shell Script to Reboot Remote Devices Daily

Set Variables remoteDevice="PASSWORDHERE" Install sshpass if it doesn't exist if ! sshpass -v sshpass &>…