Author: kimconnect

PowerShell: Install Windows Cluster Admin

# Install Microsoft Clustering ManagementFunction installClusteringManagment{ # Set PowerShell Gallery as Trusted to bypass prompts…

Outlook: How to Reset & Rebuild Profile

Remove Existing Profile Run: control.exe > click on Mail Click on Show Profiles Click on…

Windows 2012 Maintenance

- Check if .NET Framework 4.5 is installed: (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Version…

PowerShell: Discover Environment

One of the most common tasks of Active Directory cleanup is to perform a discovery…

PowerShell: Script to Apply Windows Update on 2016 Server

8/7/2020: there's a more updated version available here. # Update-Remote-Windows-2016-Servers.ps1$servers="SERVER1","SERVER2"function applyWindowsUpdates{ [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1)]…

PowerShell: Hyper-V Management

Migrate Live Virtual Machines (In Clustered Environment): # Connect to Hyper-V Host$remoteHost="HYPERV01"Enter-PsSession $remoteHost # Move…

Troubleshooting Issues with Inconsistent Access Certain Websites

1. Establish Baseline Collect this info when the network is healthy. It should be used…

Windows: Enable Remote Access

# Set remote hostname variable$remoteHost="HV01"# Install psexecInstall-Module -Name psexec# psexec \\$remoteHost reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters" /v…

PowerShell: Perform DISM Restore Health on Remote Servers

# This script will use a Windows ISO image to Repair Remote Computers$isoPath="\\FILESHERVER007\F$\Windows_Server_2016_Datacenter_EVAL_en-us_14393_refresh.ISO"$remoteComputers="TESTKOMPUTER","TESTKOMPUTER2"function restoreServerHealth($iso){ #…

Domain Controller Error: Broken DFS Replication

Error message: The DFS Replication service detected that the local path of a replicated folder…

Enable WinRM Remotely

Usage:enableWinRm 'RemoteServer' get-credential $remoteComputer='REMOTESERVER' $winRmPort=5985 $adminCredential=get-credential function enableWinRm($remoteComputer,$winRmPort=5985,$adminCredential){ function Check-NetConnection($computername,$port,$timeout=200,$verbose=$false) { $tcp = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient;…

Weird RDP Error

[Window Title]Remote Desktop Connection[Content]The remote computer that you are trying to connect to requires Network…

PowerShell: Install and Uninstall App on Remote Machines

# Trigger uninstall of an MSI file$computername="SERVER007"$keywordSearch="Polycom*"$installFile="\\FILESHERVER\Software\Polycom\Polycom_BToE_Connector_4.0.0.0 (new for 2019-07-19)\Polycom_BToE_Connector_4.0.0.0.msi"# Trigger silent install of an…

PowerShell: Use Regex to Select IPv4 Patterns

# This example shows how to obtain ip address of the $env:logonserver$logonServerIP=nltest /DSGETDC:$regexIP = [regex]…

PowerShell: Replicate All Domain Controllers Immediately

<#Author: KimConnect.comVersion: 0.1Purpose:- After a change has been issued against a "logon server", that domain…

Script to Deploy Executables

set InstallRevision=1.0set TargetDir="%ProgramFiles%\Program Name"REM Check to see if the software has been installed. Check for…

PowerShell: Send Private Message to Another Computer

$name = read-host "Enter remote computer name "$messageInput = read-host "Enter your message to send…

Deploy MSI Using Group Policy

0. If the deployment package is in an .EXE format, it's recommended that such file…

PowerShell: Connect to Azure CLI

# Set PSGallery as trusted to bypass promptsSet-PSRepository -Name 'PSGallery' -InstallationPolicy Trusted -WarningAction SilentlyContinue #…

PowerShell: Exchange Servers Discovery

List Exchange Servers from a non-exchange computer # Obtain a list of all on premise…