Month: May 2019

PowerShell: Script to Obtain List of Sites and Associated Domain Controllers

Script: if (!(get-module -name "ActiveDirectory") ){Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell; import-module -name "ActiveDirectory" -DisableNameChecking | out-null }$sites=(Get-ADDomainController -filter…

PowerShell: Use Chocolatey to Install Apps on Windows (Similar to Apt-Get or Yum)

Quick installation paste: # Install Chocolateyif (!(Get-Command choco.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope…

Windows 10: Update Script

8/7/2020: there's an updated version of this script here. function updateWindows{# Set PowerShell Gallery as…

Remove Bloatware on a Windows 10 Default Installation

1. Run PowerShell as Administrator 2. Issue these commands to download the Windows10Debloater script: #…

PowerShell: vSphere 5.5 and TLS 1.2 Connection Issues

Intro: There was this situation when we experienced connection issues with "Connect-VIServer" commands from PowerShell…

HPE Smart Update Manager 8.4.0

Step 1: Download ISO onto a Centralized Network Share Step 2: Connect to Remote Server…

Linux: Remediate SSL Weak Cipher Suites

Description The remote host supports the use of SSL ciphers that offer weak encryption. Note:…

How to Install Virtualbox in Ubuntu

Simply run these two commands: sudo add-apt-repository multiverse && sudo apt-get update sudo apt -y…

Ubuntu 18.04: Network Configuration Utility

Prior to version 18.04, network configurations have been via these commands: sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces sudo…

Security Updates for Windows 10 / Windows Server 2016 / Windows Server 2019 (March 2019) (Spectre) (Meltdown) (Foreshadow)

Description The remote Windows host is missing a security update. It is, therefore, missing microcode…

PowerShell: Remediate Microsoft Windows Unquoted Service Path Enumeration

Description The remote Windows host has at least one service installed that uses an unquoted…

SAN Storage: Using 3PAR StoreServ to Provision LUNs for vSphere ESXi or Windows Server

Overview: Assumptions MDS Zoning Configuration has been completed. Operating Systems ESXi OS has been installed…

Cisco VSAN: MDS Zoning Configuration for ESXi Host – Step by Step

Step 1: gather information A. VSAN Nodes Each site shall have two sets of MDS…

Create Desktop Application with Electron using JavaScript

Electron packager > get release build folder cd testappnpm initdescription: calculator.jsauthor: npm install --save…

PowerShell: Disable Windows Defender

Simultaneous Uninstalls: # removeWindowsDefender.ps1 # Version 0.02 $computerNames=@( 'server1', 'server2' ) function removeWindowsDefender($computerNames){ function uninstallWindefend($computername){…

Windows Server: Fibre Channel HBA Administration

Overview High performance servers, such as those being designated for SQL database workloads, are often…

Front End Web Development Menu 2019

Deployment Register a domain name: Google Domains, GodaddyManaged or Shared hosting: AWS, Hostgator, InmotionFTP/SFTP: Filezilla,…

CSS: Variables & Simple Animation

CSS can mimic other interpreted programming languages by enabling features such as variables. The limitation…

CSS: Units of Measurement

Common Values of Measurement px :pixelin :inchesmm :millimetersem :relative to nearest parent element's set value…

CSS: Basic Targeting of Tag, Class, and Type

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) CSS is often included between the <head><style>CSS-HERE</style></head> sections so that it…