Author: kimconnect

Python Module: Datetime

Datetime Programs often include dates and time to perform interactive greetings, calculate age, stamping backups,…

Python Language Condensed

Strings # declare variable stringsomeString = "Hoy Matey"# Yank positional 1 to 3 within stringyank…

Git / Github / Gitlab

1. Install Git/Github/Gitlab This utility enables cloning of source codes to the local machine, among…

Getting Started with Kubernetes on Linux

Update 01-24-21: there's new blog to succeed this article here. 1. Install Kubectl Redhat-based commands:…

Methods to Embed JavaScript Codes into WordPress

Insert Headers and Footers Plugin - automatically apply script site wide Shortcoder Plugin - make…

Kubernetes Overview

Master Server Role - One server or a pod functions as the master server- Master…

Script to Rename Computers in Active Directory

1. Run this PowerShell Script to rename 1 computer: $admin = "KIMCONNECT\"+ Read-Host "Enter the…

Manually Dealing with Windows Updates

This unabridged note contains some usable copy/paste lines to work with Windows updates. There's a…

How to Fix Corrupted Windows System Files

Symptoms:- Blue Screens- Slow booting- You have too much free time- This appears out of…

How to Copy and Paste in VIM / VI

While reading or in editing mode, press ESC twice Move the cursor to the desired…

How to Add Known Trusted Sites to Browsers in Windows

This instruction applies to the major browsers: Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, and Opera. Note that…

Default Ports for Various Common Services

Although it is recommended that these default ports be changed whenever possible to add an…

A Fake 512GB USB Thumb Drive

There appears to be a flood of bad USB flash drives on the market at…

Linux: How to Create a User and Add to Group in a Single Line?

This is a common question for Linux Admins. It would be necessary to memorize the…

ASCII Characters

DEC OCT HEX Symbol HTML Number Description 32 040 20     Space 33 041…

Recovering Hard Drive Corrupted Files

Method 1: use TestDisk (very effective in recovering JPEG and partial files) Download >…

How to manually fix a corrupted system file

I've already written a PowerShell Script to perform this task. Search for it within this…

DIFxDriverPackageInstall Error = 3

This error can occur during an installation of a Brothers branded printer or multi-functional scanner…

PowerShell: Execution Policy

This is an example when Windows has an execution policy set as Restricted: PS C:\Users\KimConnect>…

Linux Notes Dump (From 100 Years Ago)

1) LinuxFix Flash Firefox Freezingsudo mkdir /etc/adobeecho "OverridePGUValidation=true" >~/mms.cfgsudo mv ~/mms.cfg /etc/adobe/sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfreeInstall…