Category: Windows

PowerShell: Install Apps On List of Computers

[string[]]$computers=@( 'SERVER01', 'SERVER02', 'SERVER03' ) [string]$chocoAppName='notepad2' [version]$minVersion='' $results=[hashtable]@{} foreach ($computer in $computers){ $result=invoke-command -computer $computer…

Enabling Unix Newline ‘LF’ Support for Windows 10 Version 1706 or Higher

Please note that the following PoSH commands won't work on earlier versions of Windows (e.g.…

PowerShell: Check File Encoding UTF7, UTF8, UTF16, UTF32, ASCII

$filePath='C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts' function getFileEncoding($filePath) { # Checking the byte order mark (BOM) or first 4 bytes…

PowerShell: 1-Liner to Restore All Windows 10 Default Apps

Issue: A user has complained that many of the default Windows applications such as the…

Chocolatey Ignore Checksums

Issue: Certain choco packages may have mismatched signatures from its repo due to some minor…

GPO to Set NTP on Domain Joined Computers and Servers

As a precursor, please review this article to set NTP for PDC Emulator prior to…

Set NTP on Primary Domain Controller

Intro: Here is some general information to on the network time synchronization protocol (NTP) topic:…

Active Directory: Helpdesk Admins Group Creation

Why? Give your helpdesk team the ability to manage user accounts in the domain without…

An authentication error has occurred (Code: 0x80004005)

Symptom: [Window Title]Remote Desktop Connection[Content]An authentication error has occurred (Code: 0x80004005).Remote computer:[OK] Cause: This…

Some WSUS Troubleshooting Notes

Some errors and interpretations: 0x8024401c: networking generic error 0x80244022: downloading generic error     Check…

Moving WSUS Content Staging Folder

Symptom: Bloated Wsus Staging Folder: Resolution: $wsusNewContentFolder='D:\Wsus\WsusContent'stop-service 'wsus service'&'C:\Program Files\Update Services\Tools\wsusutil.exe' movecontent $wsusNewContentFolder "$wsusNewContentFolder.log"start-service 'wsus…

Windows Update Error Code 0x80244022

Symptom: There were some problems installing updates, but we'll try again later. If you keep…

Windows Update Error

Error Message: There were some problems installing updates, but we'll try again later. If you…

Remote Desktop: Broken Domain Trust Relationship Between Workstation an Primary Domain Controller

Symptom Remote desktop initiation toward a certain server would result in an error message with…

Remote Desktop Connection An internal error has occurred.

RDP Error Message:     Resolution: Method 1: Create and apply a self signed certificate…

Application Blocked By Java Security

Symptom: When attempting to open a Java Web Application such as iDrac console, this error…

PowerShell: How to Install Remote Desktop Services

Prerequisites: Required ports for RDS Services- UDP/TCP 135 ingress/egress- UDP/TCP 137-139 ingress/egress- TCP 445 ingress/egress-…

RDP: Common Connection Errors

Error Message: [Window Title]Remote Desktop Connection[Content]The remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote…

ADFS: Adding a Relying Party Trust

The following instructions assume the task of creating a authentication endpoint to allow external users…

ADFS Configurations

View existing ADFS global configs PS C:\Users\administrator.CAP> get-AdfsGlobalWebContentSignOutPageDescriptionText :UpdatePasswordPageDescriptionText :Locale :CompanyName :CertificatePageDescriptionText :ErrorPageDescriptionText :ErrorPageGenericErrorMessage :ErrorPageAuthorizationErrorMessage…